La photo représente la recette : Cod loin with chorizo cream sauce

Cod loin with chorizo cream sauce

Experience the refined taste of our Cod Loin with Chorizo Cream Sauce, where the prime cut of cod is perfectly complemented by a rich and spicy chorizo sauce. This recipe highlights the delicate texture of cod loin, enhanced with a creamy sauce that adds a bold flavor contrast. Ideal for an elegant dinner party or a special meal, this dish pairs culinary simplicity with gourmet flair. Follow our step-by-step guide to prepare this impressive seafood dish that’s sure to delight your guests.

  • Preparation 30 min
  • Baking 8 min
  • Servings 2
  • Level Intermédiaire


Cod loin

Chorizo cream


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For lovers of spicy cuisine, opt for a strong chorizo rather than a mild one. Refer to the instructions on the bulgur sachet for optimal cooking.


It’s important to choose cod steaks that are thick enough to prevent overcooking during poaching and grilling.

Preparation steps

Cod loin

Chorizo cream

  • Baking information
    • Temperature 200°C
    • Baking time 1 min



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